Jewelry Polish style
Polish jewelry market is valued by experts at around 1.2 billion US dollars per year. Jewellery in Poland began to be perceived not only as a sign of wealth, but also as a fashionable accessory that is worn to match specific outfits.
Manufacturers tried to make their products more interesting to end consumers by using a variety of materials, such as wood and plastic, and shapes, such as squares and rings. Poles spend their money to buy jewelry which they regard not only as beautiful and valuable items or capital investment, but also as an investment in the contemporary art.
Jewelry market in Poland
Jewelry is sold both in specialty stores – private and corporate showrooms – and in gift shops, souvenir stores and on marketplaces. Distributors and wholesalers are also active in the market. Silver jewelry is the bestseller in Poland. It is estimated that in 2012, silver jewelry constituted 50% of the market, with the gold jewelry in the second place at almost 35%, the rest is fashion jewelry. Poland is the third producer of silver in the world. It is also a major exporter of amber and a sole exporter of striped flint. In Poland we can see the bipolarization of the market—that is, strength at the entry-level and in the luxury sectors. The high cost of gold caused that many consumers are experimenting with less expensive materials. Style-wise, fashion-oriented pieces with large, bright-colored stones are in demand. Jewellery is expected to perform well over the forecast period. The Polish jewelry market has come to mirror the twists and turns of the Polish economy. Talking to most market experts, they believe that the sense of optimism is being driven by the strength in consumer demand for high end, luxury products combined with expansion of the watches sector. Jewellery is one of the most popular gift items which consumer research shows people value the most. The sector is marked out by fiercely individual family businesses with generations of experience that are genuine landmarks of local lives, as well as a hefty slew of newly minted designheavy stores, mostly operating in off-centre urban spaces and punching far above their square footage in terms of sales.
The Largest Players
Apart, YES and W. Kruk are the three largest companies operating on the Polish jewelry market. The Apart jewelry company has more than 195 showrooms in Poland. It employs more than 2,000 people and is an indisputable leader of jewelry sales in Poland. In 2012, Apart led jewellery sales in Poland with a 14% retail value share. The company has been present in Poland for quite some time and enjoys the trust of Polish cus [...]

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