Amberif to take fivesIt comes 15th anniversary of the International Fair of Amber, Jewellery and Gemstones AMBERIF. It will be the show with many fives: 500 exhibitors on 5.000 sq. meters of stands and - among many other accompanying events - finals of five important contests. p. 14
The Bavarian jewel
Inhorgenta Europe 2008, one of the world's biggest jewellery fair taking place in Munich in February showed that export from Poland could be very profitable, although unstable situation on the global market and strong zloty's rate. However, one has to be really hard-working and originative to gain success. Among 26 Polish exhibitors there were quite a lot of designers, who show their ideas in the prestige Hall C2, and the group of amber manufacturers placed in the Hall A2. p. 17
In the labyrinth of gemstones
During the biggest fairs of minerals and jewellery in the world - the Gem Show, all vast town Tucson, Arizona becomes the huge marketplace for two weeks. They say that jointly about 15.000 companies exhibit in 50 official halls and many others local events. Even two weeks is not enough to acquaint all of offers. p. 20

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