
Legnicki Exclusive
Festival 2008

The preparations for the next edition of this 30 year's old festival have started, under the supervision of Legnica Art Gallery. Here is what organisators are planning: exhibitions, happenings and scientific sessions facilitating the exchange of opinons about metodologies and occurances in the most recent Arts as well as a showcase of the current trends in gold jewellery. p. 14

Numbered timekeepers

Although whatches from the middle shelves are the most frequently purchased items, the brand image is actually built up by models in limited edition. There seems to be few better arguments for personal prestige show off than a watch provided with serial number, the smaller number the better. p. 18

Cooperation between Gdansk City autorities and Jewellers

An exchange market for Amber and an Amber Certification Center are expected to be created, as stated in the interview with Robet Pytlos, Gdansk City President representative. The city is considering to let new grounds for Amber diggin [...]
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