Competition "amber web"is decided
The main prize in concourse, it means a statuette and a title "The Best Web Servis of Fair Exhibitor of Ambermart 2007" and full page addvertisment in the catalogue of fair Amberif 2008 received a portal S&A Bursztynowa Biżuteria forom Gdynia (www. s-a. pl) Members of a jury awarded a web side of Eugeniusz Salwierz Ôs workshop (www. salwierzamber. pl) and RAV form Gdańsk (www. rav. com. pl) p. 8
The new collection of W. Kruk
Silver bag, gold belt and shoes, gold plated chains, big rings, furniture, fabrics, leathers painted magic cooperŐs liquid - all this fairy world inspired Anna Orska, disagner of W. Kruk, for creating a new collection yewellery of colour metals: silvered, golded, coopered, reddish-brown, silvered-coffeeÉ.(foto W. Kruk) p. 10
Kubica faster again
This time it not means first place in Formuła 1, but struggles of an untypical competition, in which took a participation Robert Kubica, Adrian Bosshard, pr [...]

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